Sunday, July 12, 2009

1001 Nights and Cats In Orbit

Edgy Blues, Americana Country, Florida Rock
Jim Crozier's Occasional Newsletter
July 2009

1001 Nights
As most of you know, I play with Tallahassee Swing, so it is with pleasure that I announce that July 21st will be the 20th Anniversary of Tallahassee Swing's Tuesday Night Dance at the American Legion Hall. When you do the math, taking into consideration that we usually take a couple weeks off around Christmas, that comes out to 1001 Nights. Come by for this special event from 7:30 to 10:00. $7 – cheap!
AND come on out every Tuesday evening from 7:30 to 10. I will be playing bass with them on July 14 & 21 and August 11 & 25.

Cats In Orbit is back on August 15th
Cats In Orbit is Jimi McKenzie, Steve Redmond, and me. We will be at Hammaknockers in Panacea opening Rick Ott's “From the Heart” live variety show. Things usually get started around 8:30.

I got out to hear some music the other day.
I caught Grant Peeples' CD release show for “Pawnshop”. Grant was backed by Lis & Lon Williamson, Kelly Goddard, Dave Johnson, and Kurt Johnston which really made for a magic evening. The New 76ers opened the show, setting things off right.
I also got to catch the Charles Atkins band at Chez Pierre. It was the first time I had heard Charles with his current band: Lois Hinners, Adam Gaffney, and Deb "Sweetgoove" Berlinger.
I appreciated a different take on the blues from The Trigger Happy Band with Bodega Bob Homme, Rev. Hollywood Archie Hinton and Naomi "Sugar" Harris, at the Down Below.
And, I was totally blown away by The Humbell at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack – I don't know much about them but they can damn sure put on a Rock & Roll Show.

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(C)2009, JacroMusic,