Wednesday, January 9, 2008

NSAI workshop

Well, to start out, the Tallahassee Swing Band schedule did not include playing my new chart last night - Elliot did put it on the list for next week, however - and the rhythm section parts could use a little editing anyhow. Bob White was the drummer on Jan 8. He was a professional drummer in the society circuit out of Local 802 for many years - retired from that - did another 20 years in sales - came to Tallahassee - and is out to do some playing now for fun and profit. His chops may be a bit rusty - but he damn sure knows how to do this stuff. It was an honor working with him last night.

Tonight, Wed 1/9, was a Nashville Songwriters Association International (NASI), Tallahassee Workshop. I haven't paid my dues there for a while, but I will be signing up again this year. This was the first workshop of the year, had a lot of good folks show up, all at different stages of growth, but all for real. I expect that we will be hosting some songwriter presentations in the coming months. The group feeling seemed to favor intimate performance situations.


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